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Kindred of the Dust

K I N D R E D  O F  T H E  D U S T

TIMELess textiles Gallery Newcastle

14th June - 8th July 2018

Topographic Organs - Merino + Corriedale Wool, Earth pigment. Left exposed to weather for 2 weeks.

Topographic Organs - Merino + Corriedale Wool, Earth pigment. Left exposed to weather for 2 weeks.

Topographic Organ - Dyeing process

Topographic Organ - Dyeing process

Stalactites - Hand-formed singular felt construction, Merino, Cross-bred wool. 

Stalactites - Hand-formed singular felt construction, Merino, Cross-bred wool. 

Cradle II - Icelandic Wool Vessel

Cradle II - Icelandic Wool Vessel

Cradle III - Icelandic Wool Vessel

Cradle III - Icelandic Wool Vessel

Burl IV - Cross-bred wool, Merino wool. 

Burl IV - Cross-bred wool, Merino wool. 

Burl III - Cross-bred wool, Merino wool. 

Burl III - Cross-bred wool, Merino wool. 

A Place Where Our Secrets Can Keep - Icelandic Wool, Cross-bred Wool. 

A Place Where Our Secrets Can Keep - Icelandic Wool, Cross-bred Wool. 

Woodlands - White Merino, Mulberry Silk Detail, embedded Native Seeds

Woodlands - White Merino, Mulberry Silk Detail, embedded Native Seeds

Kilimicat - White Merino, Alpaca, Mulberry Silk detail, Native seeds embedded - (framed in perspex with timber stand)

Kilimicat - White Merino, Alpaca, Mulberry Silk detail, Native seeds embedded - (framed in perspex with timber stand)

Mother - White Merino, Corriedale, Romney Marsh (un-dyed)

Mother - White Merino, Corriedale, Romney Marsh (un-dyed)

Ochre I - White Merino, Corriedale, Romney Marsh, dyed with hand-painted earth pigment

Ochre I - White Merino, Corriedale, Romney Marsh, dyed with hand-painted earth pigment

Ochre II - White Merino, Corriedale, Romney Marsh, dyed with hand-painted earth pigment

Ochre II - White Merino, Corriedale, Romney Marsh, dyed with hand-painted earth pigment